Can’t Stake in Core Wallet

Hi, I am trying to stake in the Core app but am getting the error message “export tx flow check failed due to? insufficient funds”. I have well over the 25 AVAX needed to stake. Why am I getting this error? I’ve never had an issue before.


Hi, I experienced the same error with Core mobile using an old iPhone model. Although I solved by using on web, I believe I would have been able to stake if the phone was newer. What phone/model are you trying on?

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Hi there - I apologize for the inconvenience. The team is aware of this issue in Core mobile and is working on resolving it in the next release.

In the meantime, you will want to manually cross-chain the funds to the P-Chain in Core web. You can connect to Core web via the in app browser of Core mobile or you can connect via wallet connect with Core web open on another device. From there, you will be able to cross-chain the funds and then can follow the normal stake flow in Core mobile or complete the stake transaction in core web.