Atomic Memory Unlocked. Problem with stake AVAX (Solved across official discord.COM)


I cant add screenshots. I try write about my problem.

When I try staked my avax i make transder to p-chain. And now i see my avax in Atomic Memory Unlocked. I alredy read QA and try solve my self, but i not see blank with blue buttom “Import” in page cross-chain-transfer.

How I can fihish this transfer by another way. I still see my money in my wallet, but I can’t stake it.



Sorry, I created this topic because I found a similar case and an answer to it here on the forum.

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Thanks alot. Already open official discord. This topic can be closed.

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Problem was solved in official discord. In this forum much scammers. I do not recommend creating a topic here.

Hi there, I apologize for the delay overnight. I am glad you were able to jump into discord and get it resolved. Have a great rest of your day.


Thank you, Amanda. It was you who assisted me. Have a nice day!


same thing happened to me, thank you for your tech support!
seems like a recurrent issue that devs may want to consider looking into…
staking is pretty important, especially on a proof of stake blockchain…come on yo.

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