Programmable assets (NFT 2.0) protocol (wrap any assets inside NFT and program on-chain behavior)

Proposal Title: [Quadratic Funding Round #1] Envelop DAO

Example: [Quadratic Funding Round #1] AvaGrants

Application Questions:

Please provide an overview of the project:
Envelop NFT 2.0 protocol able to put any assets inside NFT and program its on-chain behavior. If more detailed it is a cutting-edge cross-chain infrastructure toolkit designed for crafting and managing programmable digital assets as wNFTs (NFT 2.0). This suite includes protocols, oracles, and indices for wrapping assets—FTs, NFTs, LPs, Liquid Farming positions, Vested allocations (secondary liquidity) —into indices and secure cross-chain derivatives. Envelop enhances NFTs with advanced capabilities such as transactional value collection and distribution, multi-royalties on-chain, non-pledge rentals, and locks based on time, value, or events, all while maintaining the original 721/1155 standards and metadata.

Please explain how your project meets the round eligibility criteria:
Project launched in 2021. Previous v.0 of protocol was already deployed to Avalanche Deployment addresses v0 | DAO Envelop. NIFTSY. Through these time we upgraded protocol and proven business use-cases to be sustainable - now want to deliver it the ecosystem.
Use cases are displayed on the link

How does your project benefit the Avalanche Ecosystem? Please mention any existing or upcoming partnerships:
Envelop is set to introduce an advanced NFT2.0 protocol to Avalanche, targeting sectors like DeFi, GameFi, Art, Launchpads, and Farming tools. This integration will enhance asset liquidity and open up new secondary liquidity markets. By offering innovative yield opportunities, Envelop aims to attract user interest and increase engagement with dApps across the crypto market.

Hold old is the project?
3 years

Please outline any prior funding sources:

  • Total prior funding in USD: 2,6M (in 2021)
  • Grants: 117 500
  • VC: 2 330 000
  • Token Launch: 150 000
  • Sales: 15 000

Please provide a link to your public group chat (Discord or Telegram) if applicable:

Is there anything else you’d like to share about your project, previous work, or other affiliations?
Project was supported by Animoca Brands (second largest token holder)

Telegram Handle (you can answer N/A):

Profiles or socials of other main team members publicly associated with the project:
Alexander Shedogubov (CEO)

Maksim Sesykh (CTO, smart-contracts)

Menaskop (Architect, Analyst)

Email Address(es):

Payout Wallet Address (Payment on Avalanche C-Chain):


Hi @ashcash, thank you for submitting this application.

Unfortunately, you won’t be eligible for the first quadratic funding round since you have received >= $500k of funding in the past. Future rounds will have different requirements and you’ll be able to apply with the same project if you fit the eligibility criteria.

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