Is it too low. Too high. Just right?
I personally want it to be a bit lower (maximum is 1,500 AVAX or something)
It’s definitely on the roadmap to make it lower in the future. There have just been more pressing engineering issues as we transition from the Apricot releases to Banff release series. But stay tuned—lowering the Validator requirements is a high priority.
But how much lower are we looking at? Any guesstimate?
Nothing final that we an announce yet. Stay tuned! Thanks for your patience
I think it’s too high, considering that the more the validator securing a network the stronger the network becomes. Not leaving power in the hands of very few validators.
Taking it down to 500 Avax wouldn’t be a bad idea
Yes, please.
Agreed. Would love it to fall somewhere between 1000-1500 AVAX
Is there somewhere a public roadmap? I highly support the idea to lower the requirements
Discussion around validator requirements is so important as participation is key. At SparqNet, validators will have a requirement of 10000 SPARQ tokens.
We would love to hear the community’s opinion about this
Might be irrelevant, but if they lower the threshold to 500 AVAX, then will the maximum number of delegation a node can receive also decline?
Correct, Max Delegated Stake Weight will be lower too if thats the case
more validators = more locked tokens = more TVL = growing & developing