Snowpeer Grant Application

Avalanche Community Grants Quadratic Funding: [Round #1] Snowpeer

Application Questions:

Please provide an overview of the project:

Snowpeer is positioned as the central hub for network participants within the rapidly expanding Avalanche Platform. As blockchain technology continues to revolutionize various industries, navigating and understanding the intricacies of blockchain networks like Avalanche has become increasingly complex. Snowpeer addresses this challenge by offering a comprehensive, all-in-one platform that serves as the go-to destination for Avalanche enthusiasts.

One of Snowpeer’s key strengths lies in its ability to transform complex blockchain data into clear, actionable insights. Through advanced data visualization techniques, users can interactively explore the network’s topology, staking activities, and assess network metrics in real-time.

Snowpeer’s commitment to user experience is evident in its user-friendly interface and advanced analytics tools. Whether you are a seasoned blockchain developer seeking detailed network insights or a novice exploring blockchain technology for the first time, Snowpeer caters to a wide range of user needs and skill levels.

In addition to serving individual users, Snowpeer also offers valuable insights and data services for data analysts, researchers and clients who needs aggregated data within the blockchain space.

Overall, Snowpeer’s comprehensive approach, innovative features, and commitment to excellence position it as the central hub for Avalanche network participants and the all-in-one platform for advancing the Avalanche ecosystem.

Please explain how your project meets the round eligibility criteria:

1. Verified Github and/or Twitter Account:

  • Snowpeer maintains a verified Twitter account where we engage with the Avalanche community, share project updates, and participate in relevant discussions and events.

2. Project Update:

  • Snowpeer provides detailed updates on the progress made. We highlight the accomplishments, milestones achieved, new features developed.

3. Alignment with Avalanche Criteria:

Snowpeer is dedicated to contributing to the Avalanche ecosystem in meaningful ways, aligning with various focus areas identified by the program

  • Public Goods Software: Since the beginning, Snowpeer has been freely available to the entire Avalanche community, highlighting our dedication to open access and community support.
  • Analytics: Snowpeer offers comprehensive analytics alongside real-time visualizations of the Avalanche network, designed to deliver clear and useful insights to our users.

4. No Violation of Program Rules:

  • Snowpeer strictly adheres to the program rules and guidelines, ensuring no hateful content, deceptive practices, falsification, fraud, or advertising of unrelated products or services within the grant proposal.

5. Well-capitalized Status:

  • Snowpeer is a self-funded project without prior external funding, token launches, or NFT sales, aligning with the program’s guidelines for well-capitalized projects.

6. Compliance and Ethics:

  • Snowpeer operates in full compliance with applicable laws, regulations, and community standards, ensuring ethical conduct, transparency, and accountability in all grant-related activities.

How does your project benefit the Avalanche Ecosystem? Please mention any existing or upcoming partnerships:

Snowpeer is the ideal platform for those interested in exploring the Avalanche network in depth. It provides analysts, developers, and enthusiasts with the most up-to-date data available. We are on the brink of releasing a Data API that will enable us to share our comprehensive data directly with these audiences. With the upcoming Onchain Profiles and Validator Marketplace, we aim to foster a conducive environment for effective communication and collaboration among network actors, including subnets, validators, delegators, and Liquid Staking Protocols (LSPs).

Hold old is the project?

1 year

Please outline any prior funding sources:

  • Total prior funding in USD: 0
  • Grants: 0
  • VC: 0
  • Token Launch: 0
  • Sales: 0

Please provide a link to your public group chat (Discord or Telegram) if applicable:


TG Public Group Chat

TG Announcement Channel

Is there anything else you’d like to share about your project, previous work, or other affiliations?

Please visit to try it out.

Telegram Handle (you can answer N/A):



Profiles or socials of other main team members publicly associated with the project:

Founder/Software Engineer



Email Address(es):

Payout Wallet Address (Payment on Avalanche C-Chain):
